Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wildflower Days

The first blooms of summer are shy, dewy-faced maidens. They dance over the hills in ruffled gowns the colors of a sunrise

into a crazy-quilt garden that hums heavy with bumblebees.

A few weeks later, and the field has grown~

The maidens' colors are duskier, like an afternoon rain. Milkvetch blooms are cloudy white

or the shades of sweet, new grass

or as dark as ripe berries.

Pink milkweed is an otherworldly beauty. Her pink-veined leaves are velvet like a lamb's ear, her blooms are from faeryland.

Bindweed, a morning glory, winds and twirls her creamy skirts through the field

and copper mallow leaves a dainty trail.

A few weeks more have passed~

The field is drier now, and rustles like a grasshopper's wings.
These ladies wear a weathered calico, sun-colored and
sun-faded, a spray of blooms across the prairie-gold grass.

trailing daisy

fairy trumpet

wild rose


prickly poppy

prickly pear

thistle and Richardson's geranium

miner's candle

mariposa lily

prairie coneflower

yellow salsify, look at that big puff! Make a big wish...

Wishing you a beautiful summer~


Soumyendu said...

Thats impossibly beautiful! The leaves of grass hide so much splendour its hard to believe! Many thanks to your sensitive camera ...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Your words are poetry and your photos are FANTASTICALLY beautiful! Thank you so much for this FEAST!

belinda said...

What a beautiful blog you have. Thanks for sharing. This time last year I was hiking in the mountains with my family and your photos make me wish I was there again.

Desert Rubble said...

What gorgeous country that is. that looks liek the darned carpenter bees we get here, scary buggers. That milkweed rocks, love it! Love that calochortus, too, very nice!


pn0606 said...

really beutiful pics love em,

Unknown said...

What a beautiful Post, and an all around beautiful blog as well. Thank you for sharing.

ipod skins

Anonymous said...

the flowers are truely beautiful and a hint of what mother nature has up her sleeves, the type and variety of flowers is too much to believe that its all in one place and looks truely great.. the pictures are taken very professionally and look poetic!!

Ed T. said...

What beautiful landscapes. I am from eastern Kansas, which has the Flint hills and lots of praire.

Lindsey said...

what a lovely blog, I love your crazy quilt garden, so many flowers in common with here - NE England, if you're interested have a look at our blog which has many paintings including some of meadows.
Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the flowers! And the countryside!

Maria said...

WOW ! Amazing !